Pharma Chem Surplus


Vitamins are vital organic substances that promote physical health, development, and combustion. We provide the industry’s broadest selection of water- and fat-soluble vitamins. Our vitamins at Pharma Chem Surplus are of the highest caliber, whether they are straight or part of a personalized premix.

Vitamin deficiency poses significant health risks since vitamins are crucial for human nutrition, survival, maturation, fertility, and repair. Proper vitamins are further divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble, number thirteen. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, biotic, and vitamin C are soluble in water as opposed to vitamins A, E, K, and D, which are fat-soluble vitamins. Numerous additional dietary ingredients have vitamin action but are not essential. These vitamins can be obtained from various nutritional sources, including animals and plants. The optimal preservation of their health and growth depends on their regular dietary consumption.

Some vitamins represent a decreased risk of a single hazardous dosage due to how they are taken and utilized by the body. Only when used at very high amounts consistently for several days or in extremely high levels, typically as a result of supplement abuse, may they pose health risks. Fat-soluble vitamins are quickly absorbed by the body and can negatively impact health when consumed at moderate to high levels.



Wants to get rid of materiel

Find industry for the inventory


We connect to potential buyer

Delivery and acceptance

Pharmchemsurplus connects you with buyers who want to buy and sell your expired materials. An industry leader in excess chemicals is Pharmchemsurplus. We are devoted to helping industrial businesses lessen the adverse effects of their operations on the environment. Our commitment includes incorporating environmentally friendly and sustainable techniques into our business solutions. Pharmchemsurplus is a specialist in recycling and reusing surpluses.

Many companies are looking for a solution for their unused stock. Instead of laying out large amounts of money for waste disposal you can receive payment

Who is it for?

Pharmchemsurplus is one of the leading Pharmaceutical Companies providing the best solutions for:

  • Out Of Date Stock
  • recycling and repurposing Surplus inventory
  • Importer of Industrial chemicals
  • By Products

Environmental Credential & Green Corporate Policies Cost Effective Solutions

0 +
0 tons
materials handled
each year
0 %
materials prevented being destroyed of unused
USD of savings
to our clients